The Green Party is the political advocacy arm for the planet. Founded on the 12 principles of permaculture, we can use the four pillars, and 10- key values to navigate the challenges and make the best of what comes next. We d this by helping our people to become the next version of our best selves. Policies, laws, and rules are all just guides placed on human behavior and like the light at an intersection, ultimately just a suggestion.
Natural principles based on the Earth’s natural ancient wisdom provides a connection to the planet and a continuity through time for our people. Dinner table policies are more impactful than those made in the halls of congress as they reflect the real time needs of the planet and her people in a world of constant change. Business practices that nurture the culture of caring, work in balance with the local ecosystems, thus ensuring relatively stability for the planet and global security for generations of people yet to come. Like the butterfly, we thrive when we embrace innovation over consumption, and find peace when grow past the need to be the best and relish in the joy of belonging to something greater than ourselves.